Where Next ?

Well this is hard to say where I'd like to get to with my diving, at first I was content to be a PADi Master Scuba Diver, however as time went on I enrolled in the PADi Divemaster Course then passed it, then in September 2010 joined Blue Ocean Diving and started on the Open Water Scuba Instructor(OWSI) and passed that on 3rd October 2010.

Since then I've managed to complete 6 Speciality Instructor courses that I can teach, so the question I ask myself is where NEXT.As part of the package with Blue Ocean Diving we can do around 20 speciality Instructor courses also these include:-

Ice Diver Instructor
Deep Diver Instructor
Wreck Diver Instructor
Underwater Navigator Instructor
Search & Recovery Instructor
DPV Diver Instructor
Multilevel Diver Instructor
Underwater Videographer Instructor
SMB Diver Instructor
Drift Diver Instructor

There are a few more on the list.

My next goal is to become a Master Scuba Diver Trainer Instructor and hoping to complete this before the summer of 2011(if we have a summer). with then a move to a IDC Staff Instructor after that in 2012.

However I prefer diving deeper and darker wrecks so this is where my PADi TecRec will come in, and should finally finish by being a PADi Tec Instructor.

Padi Tec 40Completed at Stoneey Cove in April 2011

Padi Tec 45Completed in early May 2011 at NDC Chepstow

Padi Tec 50Completed in May 2011 at NDC Chepstow in warm 6 degree waters

PADi Tec Trimix 65Completed in June 2011 in Sharm

Tec Deep Instructor

Gas Blender Instructor