Monday, 23 August 2010

Sunday at Wraysbury and a few friends from Dive Buddy UK

Some of the Dive Buddy UK members planed a dive at Wraysbury Dive Centre, well With Cel, Tony, Phil and myself (Paul) managed the early morning. With Diego giving it a miss at the last minute.

The weather was overcast however the temperture was twenty degrees, after a few coffee's we got ready and headed into the lake.

Tony, Phil and Cel and myself was the buddy group. This was a checkout dive for the new camera housing and the Canon 500D, all the time I was thinking I hope it doesn't flood. To help with my buoyancy problems my wing was leaking air so I had to use my drysuit instead of the wing which was fun considering I had a twin 12's.

Tony took the lead and started to guide us all over the lake we visited a few platforms and then off to some boat wrecks, back to the VW Camper van. Then through the trenches to large boat wreck and onto the dragon boat.
The visability was not at it's best however with Tony guiding us round the lake we was heading in the right direction.

As we had been in for some time Cel was getting low on air, it was getting time for us to call the dive.

Cel and myself managed 52 minutes , while Phil and Tony swam round to the other exit point in the car park.

We all regrouped at the cafe and food and drinks was ordered, as we all got talking Cel turned his attention to my twinsets and after a few minutes I said that he could try mine if he wanted to. After a few minor modifications the 4Kg V-weight was removed and we kitted him up and off Tony and Cel went for him twinset try dives.

Yet another great day diving with some friends of DIve Buddy UK, if you fancy coming along on any dives, please just come along the more the merrier.