Monday, 17 January 2011

DiveMaster Trainee's at Holborough

This was one of the first sundays to be arranged to help the DiveMatser trainee's get through there course.

The first part of the day was for exams in which Paula and Kieron managed to complete 4 exams each and pass all of them also. Only another 4 to go now.

Kieron wanted to complete his 100m diver tow also and as they was getting in the water to preform there Rescue assesment it was a good time to have a go.

First up Paula towed Kieron and managed a very good time of 2minutes 33 seconds which gave her 4 points, next up was Kieron who completed it in 2 minutes and 6 seconds which is an amazing time and a massive 5 points.

So onward to the Rescue assesment, Paula had the first go, and struggled with the rythm however this dodn't put her off, next up was Kieron who started well but then lost the rythm half way through.

So they both kitted up again and go number 2 with Mark on of the Instructors in the water guiding them, Paula up first this time it was alot better however she wasn't happy with her self so she's going to have another go another day. However Kieron managed it completely with only some slight errors and we was all happy with his progress however we might make him do it again for a laugh. 

A big well done to all that turned up, more to do next sunday hope your ready