I managed to get myself a secondhad APV Inspiration Classic from a fellow club member at a very resonable price, however the unit had been sat around for some time.
Well never the less I'm currently in the process of servicing it having ordered a complete set of O rings for it(nearly 120), cylinders are going off this week to be tested and O2 cleaned.
Changed the yellow lungs to some black ones I managed to get my hands on, the new wing replacing the APV redwing 16 will be collected this week.
However the best little toy for the unit has to be a 4/5th cell that Narked@90 sells allowing the unit to be connected to a Shearwater computer so you can monitor gasses in the head unit.
The last toy I'm looking for now is a APV BOV which allows easier bailout between the rebreather and a stage cylinder.